Photo of Manel Font Diaz Spain

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Font Diaz was born in Barcelona.

He studied at the Massana School, Royal Circle Artistco and Faculty of Fine Arts Sant Jordi. Barcelona.h won awards and scholarships. Obtained at age 14 the first premiode "Young Painting" La Sala Parés. Barcelona.

  • Musee dart et Industrie Saint Etienne. France.
  • Reistencia Museum Salvador Allende.
  • Diputación Provincial de...

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55.12 x 23.62 in
63.78 x 25.59 in
63.78 x 25.59 in
63.78 x 25.59 in
25.59 x 63.78 in
63.78 x 25.59 in
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Font Diaz was born in Barcelona.

He studied at the Massana School, Royal Circle Artistco and Faculty of Fine Arts Sant Jordi. Barcelona.h won awards and scholarships. Obtained at age 14 the first premiode "Young Painting" La Sala Parés. Barcelona.

  • Musee dart et Industrie Saint Etienne. France.
  • Reistencia Museum Salvador Allende.
  • Diputación Provincial de Malaga.
  • Hastings Foundation. New-york.
  • Barcelona Provincial Council.
  • Fundación Juan Marhan. Madrid.
  • Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Elche. Alicante.
  • Caixa de Pensions. Barcelona.
  • Agency-A. Madrid.
  • Museum of Fine Arts. Zaragoza.
  • Diputación de Malaga.
  • Hanging Houses Museum. Cuenca.
  • Museum of Fine Arts. Sevilla.
Curriculum: 1977 Galeria Rene Metras. Barcelona.
Victor Sala Bailo. Zaragoza.
Gallery Recalde. Bilbao. 1978 Hopscotch Gallery. Madrid.
AB Gallery. (Granollers). barcelona. 1979 Galeria Rene Metras. Barcelona.
Screens - Fundacion Joan Miro. Barcelona.
Books Room. Zaragoza 1980 Galeria Juana de Aizpuru. Sevilla.
René Gallery M'etras. Barcelona.
Gallery 3 and 5. Girona. 1982 Books Room. Zaragoza.
Two Strokes Gallery. Santander.
College of Architects. Zaragoza.
AB Gallery. (Granollers). Barcelona 1983 Galeria Rene Metras. Barcelona.Galeria Yreba. Murcia. 1984 Exhibition Hall of the Foundation Caixa de Pensions. Barcelona. 1985 Scenery-Costume-X Máscaras.3 Mishima. l Aliança Poble Nou. Barcelona. 1986 Galeria Rene Metras. Barcelona. 1987 Calart gallery. Geneva 1988 Documento.Turin gallery.
Traveling exhibition "Spanish Painting. Universidad de Salamanca "Casa de Soria Culrural - Leon and Crystal Palace. Madrid.
Fundación Caja de Navarra. 1989 Bremer gallery. Berlin.
Masters Art Gallery.
Palma de Mallorca 1991 AB Gallery. (Granollers). Barcelona. 1992 Galeria Antonia Puyó.Zaragoza.
Galeria Ambit. Barcelona.
Gallery Altxerri. San Sebastian. 1994 Caja de Ahorros Municipal de Pamplona.
Recalde.Bilbao gallery.
BM gallery. (Granollers). Barcelona. 1995 Reindeer Xippas gallery. Paris.
Emilio Mazzoli Gallery. Italy. 1996 Galeria Antonia Puyó.Zaragoza.
AB Gallery. (Granollers). Barcelona. 1998 Diputación de Huesca. 1999 Estiarte gallery. Madrid.
Fuente.Perú Gallery of Luca.
Diputación de Logroño. 2000 Joint Pavilion. Pamplona.
Louise Alexander Gallery. Paris 2001 Francesa.Lima Añianza gallery.
Alebus gallery. Alicante. 2002 Caneru.Castellon room.
Visual Arts Academy. Italy. 2003 Sala Manuel Ojeda. Las Palmas de Gran Canarias.
Gallery reindeer. Xippas. Paris 2004 Galerie Albon. London.
Galerie Helman. New York. 2005 Luca Galeria de la Fuente. Peru.
Gallery Bremen. Berlin. 2006 Document Gallery. Turin. Galeria Rene Metras. Barcelona.
Victor Sala Bailo. Zaragoza.
Gallery Recalde. Bilbao. 1978 Gallery Rayuela. Madrid.
AB Gallery. (Granollers). barcelona. 1979 Galeria Rene Metras. Barcelona.
Screens - Fundacion Joan Miro. Barcelona.
Books Room. Zaragoza 1980 Galeria Juana de Aizpuru. Sevilla.
René Gallery M'etras. Barcelona.
Gallery 3 and 5. Girona. 1982 Books Room. Zaragoza.
Two Strokes Gallery. Santander.
College of Architects. Zaragoza.
AB Gallery. (Granollers). Barcelona 1983 Galeria Rene Metras. Barcelona.Galeria Yreba. Murcia. 1984 Exhibition Hall of the Foundation Caixa de Pensions. Barcelona. 1985 Scenery-Costume-X Máscaras.3 Mishima. l Aliança Poble Nou. Barcelona. 1986 Galeria Rene Metras. Barcelona. 1987 Calart gallery. Geneva 1988 Gallery Documento.Turin.
Traveling exhibition "Spanish Painting. Universidad de Salamanca "Casa de Soria Culrural - Leon and Crystal Palace. Madrid.
Fundación Caja de Navarra. 1989 Bremer gallery. Berlin.
Masters Art Gallery.
Palma de Mallorca 1991 AB Gallery. (Granollers). Barcelona. 1992 Galeria Antonia Puyó.Zaragoza.
Galeria Ambit. Barcelona.
Gallery Altxerri. San Sebastian. 1994 Caja de Ahorros Municipal de Pamplona.
Recalde.Bilbao gallery.
BM gallery. (Granollers). Barcelona. 1995 Reindeer Xippas gallery. Paris.
Emilio Mazzoli Gallery. Italy. 1996 Galeria Antonia Puyó.Zaragoza.
AB Gallery. (Granollers). Barcelona. 1998 Diputación de Huesca. 1999 Estiarte gallery. Madrid.
Fuente.Perú Gallery of Luca.
Diputación de Logroño. 2000 Joint Pavilion. Pamplona.
Louise Alexander Gallery. Paris 2001 Francesa.Lima Añianza gallery.
Alebus gallery. Alicante. 2002 Caneru.Castellon room.
Visual Arts Academy. Italy. 2003 Sala Manuel Ojeda. Las Palmas de Gran Canarias.
Gallery reindeer. Xippas. Paris 2004 Galerie Albon. London.
Galerie Helman. New York. 2005 Luca Galeria de la Fuente. Peru.
Gallery Bremen. Berlin. 2006 Document Gallery. Turin.

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